Future Review
Submission Information
All manuscripts should be submitted on the Future Review Submission Portal. The manuscript should be submitted in two document files. One file should contain the title page with author information. The second file should contain the title page without author information, abstract, main document, references, and tables and figures. When submitting work to Future Review, authors agree to the following conditions: 1. The submitted manuscript is your own original work. 2. The manuscript has not been previously published, and is not under consideration, in peer review, or in press with another journal. 3. The manuscript may undergo originality checks during the peer-review and production processes. 4. The manuscript contains nothing that is abusive, defamatory, fraudulent, or illegal. 5. The work adheres to the ethical standards of the American Psychological Association. 6. The author is strongly encouraged to present at the annual Ad Astra Summit on Education conference. The next Summit will take place on September 13, 2024. Any author who fails to adhere to the above conditions will be charged with costs which Future Review incurs for their manuscript at the discretion of Future Review’s editors, and their manuscript will be rejected. Future Review follows the guidelines of the American Psychological Association for determining authorship. Submission Guidelines: 1. Manuscripts are accepted in English. 2. A typical manuscript will be between 5000 – 8000 words including tables, references, captions, footnotes, and endnotes. 3. Abstracts of approximately 200 words are required for all manuscripts submitted. 4. Each manuscript should have 3 to 5 keywords. 5. The manuscript should follow the conventions of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual 6th Edition: — Layout — Content of title page and abstract — All formatting (e.g. authors’ notes, funding, references, quotations, tables, figures, etc.) 6. Empirical manuscripts should include the following sections: Introduction; Method (with subsections: Participants, Procedure, Measures, Research design); Results; Discussion; References; Appendices. 7. Authors must also incorporate a Disclosure Statement which will acknowledge any financial interest or benefit they have arising from the direct applications of their research. 8. Please provide the highest quality figure format possible. Please be sure that all imported scanned material is scanned at the appropriate resolution: 1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for color. 9. Authors must obtain written permission to use any material in their manuscript for which they do not hold the copyright from the copyright owner prior to submission, prior to submission. Authors must appropriately acknowledge they have been given permission to reuse the material. Authors are solely responsible for any fees which the copyright holder may charge for reuse. 10. Authors will be asked to assign the Future Review the copyright of your article using a Publishing agreement. This agreement ensures the integrity, dissemination, and protection against copyright infringement of published articles.​ Article Types & Topics Peer Review Policy: All research articles published in this journal undergo rigorous peer review. The editor conducts an initial screening and then at least two anonymous referees evaluate the submission. Topics: — College Transition and Persistence — Workforce Skills and Demands — Next Generation High Schools — College and Career Outcomes of High Schools — Academic Preparation for College Readiness — Student Debt — Post-High School Challenges — Technology and Innovation in Education Types of Articles: — Empirical Articles — Literature Reviews — Theoretical/Conceptual Articles — Opinions — Book Reviews — Brief Reports — Special Issues​ For more info email us at: info@adastrari.org